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Tag: 2019

My Word of the Year for 2019

I decided to pick a word for this year. Several other people seem to be doing it and I figured, what the heck? It seems like a good way to bring focus for the year without having to invest in supplies or try to cram one more thing into what feels like an already overstuffed schedule.

In case you are wanting to sort out how to go about selecting your own word for the year, too, here’s what I did:

  1. Thought about the things I wanted to accomplish in the near future.
  2. Looked for a common theme among those things.
  3. Came up with a list of words to summarize the theme.
  4. Chose my word.

I didn’t write it down or do anything fancy. I thought it through in my head, because that’s just how I process things. When I finally got to the last step, the word I chose for 2019 is: